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.AAR and .JAR files
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.AAR Files
An AAR (Android Archive) file is a binary distribution format for Android libraries. It is similar to a JAR (Java Archive) file used in Java projects but specifically designed for Android development. An AAR file contains compiled code, resources, and metadata required to use a library module in an Android application.
When you create a library module in Android Studio, the build process generates an AAR file as the output. This file encapsulates the library’s code, resources, and dependencies, making it easier to distribute and reuse in other Android projects. The AAR file provides a convenient way to package an entire Android library into a single archive.
Components of an AAR file typically include:
1. Compiled Code: The AAR file contains the compiled bytecode of the library module. This includes the Java or Kotlin classes that make up the library’s functionality.
2. Resources: The AAR file includes any resources used by the library, such as layouts, drawables, strings, and other assets.
3. Manifest File: The AAR file contains the manifest file of the library module. The manifest defines the library’s package name, permissions, activities, services, and other important metadata.
4. ProGuard/R8 Configuration: If the library module applies code shrinking or obfuscation using ProGuard or R8, the AAR file…