Android Interview Questions

Abhinay Gupta
3 min readJul 15, 2023

All my articleas are available for free to read. Here’s the link to this one.


  • What is the difference between const val and val?
  • What is so interesting about data class?
  • Is singleton thread-safe? vs Object?
  • What are different type of scope modifiers?
  • What are different Coroutine Scope?
  • How to manage series and parallel execution?
  • Difference between Flow/SharedFlow/StateFlow and elaborate it.
  • What happens if we call .cancel() from a coroutine scope?
  • What is an Init block in Kotlin?
  • How to choose between apply and with?
  • What is inline function in Kotlin?
  • Difference between Coroutine and Java Thread
  • Why Coroutines are light weight?
  • How does Coroutine switch context?
  • How does extension functions work?
  • @JvmStatic , static and Companion object
  • Kotlin vs Java
  • Parcelable vs Serializable


  • How does Garbage collection works?
  • What is a dangling pointer?
  • Elaborate Memory Leak?
  • Explain fragment Lifecycle when it comes to ViewPager and sliding between different fragments.



Abhinay Gupta

Exploring personal growth, tech, and culture through engaging storytelling | Inspiring and connecting with readers worldwide.