How my life would have been if I was born in the USA instead of India
I always wonder while seeing American movies or American television shows, how much different the lives of people living in the USA is from us living in India. I would like to share my views on my thought i.e.-”HOW MY LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN IF I WAS BORN IN USA” in this blog.
Human beings no matter which country they live in, have adopted a new way of life and this way of life is an expression of their thought which is alive through their thoughts that is present through their culture. Hence cultural values directly shape the infrastructure or the living of the country.
Coming on the pros and cons of living in the USA I would like to first focus on the pros.
1. In the USA I would find a Cleaner surrounding as compared to India which I think being a bronchitis allergy patient would keep me away from the related problems.
2. I would have been a more disciplined person because both the countries have rules and regulations but in India, we tend to(sometimes intentionally even after knowing negative results of it) break them and in the USA we are bound to follow them.
3. I would pay all of my taxes due to a strict government and law which would make me an asset for the production of the country whereas in INDIA we generally take these actions lightly which coaxes us to be a liability to the country.